Controversy at Kielder Marathon + W50/W60 records in Chester
Written by I Dig Sports
Athletes disqualified from North-East event wearing other peoples numbers while there are British marathon age group records in Chester
Keswicks M50 Russell Maddams won the marathon by ten minutes in 2:49:05 in a race that boasts one of the most scenic courses in the UK as it goes around Kielder Water.
Russell Maddams takes an early lead (David Hewitson)
Maddams also won the race in 2017, 2018 and 2021 and was second in 2022 and has a best time of 2:29:59 from the 2005 London Marathon.
The womens race was won by about a mile by W40 Lucie Custance who timed 3:18:38. Her all-time PB is 2:53:42.
Lucie Custance (David Hewitson)
The half-marathon was marred by disqualifications for athletes wearing other runners numbers.
The rightful mens winner was Morpeth M45 John Butters who timed 79:38 and won by just over a minute.
The female winner was another masters athlete as Sarah Kerr had just over two minutes in hand.
Sarah Kerr (David Hewitson)
Actions of unregistered runners in the Kielder Half Marathon:
As always, the Active Northumberland Kielder Marathon weekend was a fantastic two-day celebration of running, returning to pre-pandemic levels of participation, with around 3,500 individuals signing up for the junior runs, gravel duathlon, 10k, half marathon and full marathon.
Unfortunately, the actions of a small number of people tarnished the experiences of others. In particular, there were two incidents of athletes taking part in the half marathon who were not the runners who registered for the event. In both cases, the individuals who ran were at the front of the race.
In the first case, a male runner turned up wearing a female runners number. He had contacted us ahead of the race to ask if he could run using that number and was told in an email that this was not allowed. Nevertheless, he turned up. This was evident on the start line due to the female runners name being on the number. The runner was warned immediately by a volunteer official that this was not permitted and that they should not run. Despite having been informed twice by this point that what he was doing was against the rules, he started the race and proceeded to lead it. Later, a member of our team was able to persuade him to step off the course before the end of the race.
This athlete was disqualified for using another athletes number
The second case was even more serious. An athlete crossed the line first in the half marathon, appearing to claim the race victory. We have since established that he was wearing someone elses number and was not registered for the event. Not only was this a serious breach of the rules, but it also deprived the actual winner of their moment of glory, while the runner who should have been presented with the third place prize on the day was not. Both missed out on celebrating their achievements in front of family, friends and other spectators. The individual who claimed the win did not turn up for the presentation, we presume because he knew that his dishonesty would be exposed. Surely, he realised that this would be the case before he crossed the line, giving him the opportunity to take a different and better course of action. Our lead cyclist had even told him during the race that the previous leader had been disqualified, indicating that we were being vigilant.
Like all responsible race organisers, Events of the North has clear terms and conditions for all entrants, including policies relating to the transfer of numbers or deferrals. These rules are in place for very good reasons and are in line with those set down by athletics governing bodies.
We condemn the actions of both of the above runners, and those who were complicit in them. They did not ruin the Kielder Marathon weekend, but they did taint it, particularly for those other runners who were directly affected by what they did. Following discussions with officials and race adjudicators, we will be taking appropriate action.
Men: 1 R Maddams Kesw M50 2:49:05; 2 S Lord M40 2:59:02; 3 C Fothergill Darl 3:02:48
Women: L Custance NSP W40 3:18:38; 2 A McKechnie Queens 3:26:02; 3 H Hatton 3:26:14
Men: 1 J Butters Morp M45 79:38; 2 S Green Wharfe 81:22; 3 R Kleiser 81:32
Women: 1 S Kerr Clare W40 88:43; 2 I Hessey 90:58; 3 C McManus NSP 93:58
MBNA CHESTER MARATHON, Cheshire, October 8
On a less than easy course, the event has grand plans for the future and here incorporated the British Masters Championship as well as home countries team and England Masters event, Martin Duff reports.
The event hosted its first British Masters records as, firstly Annabel Granger in her first marathon as a W50, set a new age group record of 2:47:44 to beat the previous best by around three minutes, when she was the first home in the British Masters championship.
Granger was in fifth place overall behind Readings Naomi Mitchell who won the open race the title in 2:41:21, albeit a time well outside her best 2:30:34 when finishing second in the 2021 Manchester Marathon.
Then Treena Johnson improved her own W60 record by being the first over-60 woman inside three hours with 2:57:24 as the age group record continues to evolve.
Naomi Mitchell (Mark Shearman)
Second overall woman was W35 Melissa Gibson, who was the first master in 2:43:32. This was a marginal PB but she was not entered in the BMAF championship although was part of the England Masters team in the separate England Athletics Masters International.
Granger also lies second in the 2023 W45 lists for her London Marathon 2:45:21.
The first master home in the mens race was Jack Nixon of St Edmund Pacers win in 2:24;28 and he finished in second place in the overall open race to the younger Ashford runner Marshall Smith, whose 2:21:32, a near three-minute PB
It was also a PB for Nixon as he improved his time from Manchester earlier in the year by 40 seconds. In third spot in the open race was Swanseas Blair McWhirter with 2:27:48 to annex the BMAF M40 gold and did so by nearly two minutes from Jim Hickinbottom.
Martin Green won both open and BMAF M45 titles with a 2:34:27 clocking.
Michael Aldrridge has claimed BMAF titles at various distances and here, in his first year in the age group, added the M50 marathon one with a 2:31:13 clocking, his best for ten years to go second on the overall UK rankings for the year.
M70 John Swift had a three-minute victory over fellow BMAF runner Stephen Mead as David Crook was the oldest male finisher in 4:50:44 but was not entered in the BMAF event.
Elsewhere in the womens race, the oldest competitor was W80 Eileen Hieron, in 6:13;28 and duly took her BMAF medal. She was also first W80 in the London Marathon.
1 M Smith (Ashf) 2:21:32; 2 J Nixon (St Ed, M35) 2:24:28; 3 B McWhirter (Swan, M40) 2:27:48; 4 J Bromley (Buckley) 2:28:32; 5 R Payne (Clee) 2:29:04; 6 A Darby (Ely, M35) 2:29:27; 7 J Hickinbottom (Shrews, M40) 2;29:46; 8 M Alderson (Low F, M35) 2:30:34; 9 J Dakin (Der) 2:30:36; 10 M Cooper (St Alb, M40) 2:31:07
M40: 4 J Hudson (Norw RR) 2:33:04; 5 M Amos (Hunt) 2:34:17; 6 L McIntyre 2:36:24
M45: 1 M Green (N Wales RR) 2:34;27; 2 C Filer (Wyc P) 2:36:11; 3 S McCarron (Sale) 2:39:43; 4 C Griffiths (Roth) 2:41:13; 5 J Lidbetter (SoC) 2:43:31; 6 D Thomas (B&R) 2:43:39
M50: 1 M Aldridge (Woott RR) 2:31;13; 2 D Lawson 2:33:40; 3 S Shaw (ESM) 2:37:34; 4 T Sadler ((Cbrook) 2:38:51; 5 A Quigley (W End) 2:41:05; 6 T Farrer (Hunts) 2:41;37
M55: 1 L Ahearne (P Bryn) 2:44:35; 2 D Williams (Mid M) 2:46:48; 3 R McGrath (Sport W) 2:48;25; 4 L Neeld (Stone) 2:48:59; 5 S Spiers (Les C) 2:51:12; 6 R Gornall (Stroud) 2:51;59
M60: 1 M Kelly (M Aber) 2:47:23; 2 S Plummer (ESM) 3:01:53; 3 G Cockill (R Colch) 3:03:23
M65: 1 C Higgs (Datch) 3:18:43; 2 T Boone (Arun) 3:23:19; 3 J McElhill (Inspire) 3:25:40
M70: 1 S Swift (Sport Str) 3:28:36; 2 S Mead (Stow) 3:31:11; 3 M Walker (Sport W) 3:51:56
M75: 1 K Uzell (Stone) 4:18:49
M80: 1 D Crook (Regis) 4:50:44
BMAF Championship
M35: 1 Nixon; 2 Alderson; 3 J Elgar (MMM) 2:32:13.
M40: 1 Hickinbottom; 2 Cooper; 3 L McIntyre (R Through) 2:36:24
M45: 1 Green; 2 Filer; 3 McCarron
M50: 1 Aldridge; 2 Shaw; 3 Farrer
M55: 1 Ahearne; 2 McGrath; 3 Spiers
M60: 1 Kelly; 2 Plummer; 3 G Morris (Ware) 3:04:06
M65: 1 Boone; 2 B Greaves (Royt) 3:27:28
M70: 1 Swift; 2 Mead
1 N Mitchell (Read) 2:41:21; 2 M Gibson (Ealing E, W35) 2:43:32; 3 M Goodrum 2:44:57; 4 L Mapp (Hunts) 2:46;56; 5 A Granger B&W, W45) 2:47:44; 6 L Flynn (Les C, W40) 2:51:29; 7 K King (St Ed) 2:51:59; 8 A Klucnika (NHRR) 2:53;35; 9 H Tarasewitz (Bwks, W40) 2:53:44; 10 S Flaherty (Bing, W45) 2:53:51
W40: 3 S Hoskin (Mile H) 2:57:47; 4 M Beever (Stainland) 2:58:19; 5 H Roberts (Dart) 2;58:35; 6 : Ebbs (Rei P) 3:01:24
W45: 1 J Johnson 3:06:34; 3 F Todd (Border) 3:11;49; 4 C McCarron (Sale) 3;12;17; 5 J Bentley (Stone) 3;12;57; 6 R Arnott (NHRR) 3:13:09
W50: 2 B Peake (Aire) 3:09:48; 3 L Andrews (Kenil) 3:14:28; 4 P Davies (SWRR) 3:16;50; 5 R Dowse (L Goat) 3:17:45; 6 J Dawkins (Cornelly) 3;23;56
W55: 1 L Albrecht (Arun) 3:26:12; 2 K Marchant (Beck) 3:27:11; 3 E Prinsep (Roms) 3:27:13; 4 S Watson (Les C) 3:30:43; 5 A Cobb (R&N) 3:32:23; 6 S Blackburn (Rushmere) 3:35:44
W60: 1 T Johnson (Dews) 2:57:24 (UK W60 rec); 2 C Kluth (Hedge E) 3:29:01; 3 H Bolt Datch) 3:36:21
W65: 1 A Simmons (Hayle) 3:53:08; 2 F Davies (PPridd) 3:56:05; 3 J Binns (Datch) 4:00:19
W70: 1 J Wall (St Ed) 4:00;39; 2 A Newton (BRJ) 4:02:18; 3 L Tout (Tamar) 4:45;14
W75: 1 L Danoch (Ciren) 5:05:45
W80: 1 E Hieron (Durs) 6:08:11
BMAF Championship
W35: 1 H Ansell (Stadium) 3:10:47
W40: 1 Flynn; 2 Tarasewitz; 3 Beever
W45: 1 McCarron; 2 Arnott; 3 N McClusky (Maldwyn) 3:13;14
W50: 1 Granger; 2 Andrews; 3 Davies
W55: 1 Marchant; 2 Blackburn; 3 S Anderegg (Mil K) 3:39:56
W60: 1 Kluth; 2 R Oberholtzer (Blay) 3:45:19; 3
W65: 1 Simmons; 2 Davies; 3 Binns
W70: 1 Newton; 2 Tout; 3 A McKay (Mass F) 5:15:52
W75: Darroch
W80: 1 Herron
ALMOST 8km, Stourport, October 8
Overall: 1 J Crutchley 28:17; 2 P Rolls (M45) 31:12; 3 T Wright 31:37
Women: 1 S Paterson (Worc, W55) 34:48; 2 G Ball (Bville) 35:24; 3 S Hewison (Bville, W55) 35:28
BURNHAM-ON-SEA HALF MARATHON, Burnham-on-Sea, October 8
Overall: 1 W Loveridge (Chard) 73:02; 2 D Ellam (B&W) 75:20; 3 J Last (Cleve) 76:50
Women: 1 K Phillips (Chard) 88:35; 2 R Williams (Unatt) 92:43; 3 S Ciampalini (Run For) 96:21
CAPEL 5, Capel St Mary, October 8
Overall: 1 O Hitchcock (St Ed, U20) 26:26; 2 W DeAth (Unatt, M40) 26:55; 3 O Rees (Ipswich Phoenix RC) 27:23
Women: 1 N Bennett (W45) 33:54; 2 L Briggs (Gt B, W35) 34:40; 3 J Askew-Martin (Kesgrave, W35) 34:43
DENMEAD 10km, Denmead, October 8
Overall: 1 J Collins 34:43; 2 L Banner (Havant) 34:58; 3 J Rendall 35:18
Women: 1 E McMeehan (Ports) 44:27; 2 K McIndoe 48:31; 3 S MacDonald 51:18
James Laing won the mens race in 2:35:49 with Katherine Wood, third overall in 2:47:35, the quickest woman.
Katherine Wood (Mark Easton)
Overall: 1 J Laing 2:35:49; 2 L Sander-King 2:43:58; 3 K Wood (W) 2:47:35
M60: 1 B Harris 3:10:27
Women: 1 Wood 2:47:35; 2 B Port 3:10:36; 3 I Widing 3:39:34
Tony Payne won the mens race by just over a minute in 71:40 while Hannah Pullen was first woman in 78:28.
Tony Payne (Mark Easton)
Overall: 1 T Payne Notts 71:40; 2 A Smith W35 72:54; 3 C Mullin M45 74:58
M60: 1 M Campbell 83:35
Women: 1 H Pullen 78:28; 2 C McLellan 85:44; 3 F Ritchie 85:57
MORLEY 10km, Morley, October 8
Overall: 1 T Dart (Spen) 33:24; 2 C George (Padd W) 34:03; 3 J Eastwood (Slaithwaite) 34:21
M50: 1 D Smithers (Knaves) 34:34
Women: 1 R Ramsden (Morl) 39:06; 2 E Warren (St Theresas AC) 39:12; 3 R Draisey (HPH, W35) 40:18
ALCESTER 10km, Oxfordshire, October 8
1 B Kruze (Strat, M40) 31:58; 2 D Brewis (Sphinx) 32;24; 3 A Lawrence (Strat) 32:43; 4 T Bristowe (Redditch) 33:46; 5 J Marshall (B&R, M40) 33:59; 6 M Crowley (R Alc, M40) 34:41
M40: 4 A Brian 34:53; 5 M Burdus-Cook (Strat) 35:12
M50: 1 C Carson (Kenil) 37:35; 2 J Knibb (Leam) 38:06
1 L Thomas (B&R, W40) 37:44; 2 M Spriggs (Strat, U18) 38:07; 3 T Bowden (Evesham, W40) 39:30
W50: 1 L Painter (Evesh) 43:04
GOOSE FAIR GALLOP 10km, Nottingham, October 8
1 D Magalela (L Eaton, M40) 35:26; 2 H Taylor (Beest) 36:39; 3 M Daly (Worksop) 37:02
M55: 1 A Taplin (Red RR) 37:49; 2 K Fitch 38:07
1 L Grant (Beest, W40) 43:04; 2 C Bradbury (Beest) 43:26; 3 A Underwood 44:54
HERTS 10km, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, October 8
1 L Newton (Craw) 34:27; 2 I Bryson (Harp, M40) 36:58; 3 N Pattison (M40) 37:54
1 R Alterman 39:01; 2 I Cobb (Harp) 39:28; 3 F Weddell (St Alb) 40:10
RISE UNDERCLIFF 8km, Brighton, East Sussex, October 8
1 C Page (T Tilgate, W35) 32:12; 2 J Williams (W35) 35:15; 3 L Millar (W5o) 35:56
Italian Andrea Soffientinil has a PB of 64:41 but here found 66:23 sufficient for a 43 second victory over Oscar Bell.
The race had nearly 16,000 finishers among which were a sizeable contingent of Italians who filled several of the top age group places.
1 Soffientinil (ITA) 66:23; 2 O Bell 67:06; 3 C Winfield 70:34; 4 C Brasher (M40) 70:58; 5 O Knowles 72:52; 6 C Biley 73:08; 7 S Rizvy 73:26; 8 R Weston 73:35; 9 E Volli (M55) 73:54; 10 J Cornuuaud 74:19
M50: 1 E Stivanello 81:31; 2 D Lee 82:32
M55: 2 J Waite 83:22
M60: 1 P Moro 80:45
M70: 1 A Alori 95:24
1 C Tyler (W35) 83:16; 2 H Woolley (W35) 84:06; 3 Z Cowell-Jones (W40) 84:40
W40: 3 R Carrassco 87:43
W50: 1 L Beal 93:52; 2 N Audhlam-Gardiner 96:47; 3 D Raggett 97:37; 4 E Halcox 98:46
RUN FOR WILDLIFE 10km, Doncaster, October 8
1 D Tail (Blyth, M40) 15:59; 2 L Varley (Donc) 16:20; 3 S Willis 16:34
1 V Moverley 20:24; 2 V Philipson (Danum) 20:55; 3 R Varley (W40) 21:52
BLAZE THE BIBLINS 10km, Ross-on-Wye, October 8
Overall: 1 S Juson (Croft A) 35:43; 2 P Morris (Builth & District Running Club, M40) 38:06; 3 T Batchelor (Chep) 38:42
Women: 1 S Hall (Llis, W35) 43:39; 2 K Adams (Mmth, W45) 43:41; 3 N Morgan (Chep, W55) 45:18
CROYDON SWITCHBACK MT 5, Croydon, October 8
World Masters W50 800m champion Nikki Sturzaker won the womens race by over five minutes.
Overall: 1 H Madgwick Lawton (SoC) 31:07; 2 J Leafe (Dulw) 31:30; 3 E Cross (Dulw, M40) 31:39
Women: 1 N Sturzaker (Herne H, W50) 33:01; 2 E Hatch (Dulw) 38:03; 3 O Balme (Dulw, W50) 39:08
ELY RUNFEST MT, Ely, October 8
Overall (66km): 1 F Imamura (Trail Running Association, M40) 5:23:53; 2 L Dinnage (W40) 6:37:24; 3 T ONeill 7:08:09
Women: 1 Dinnage 6:37:24; 2 D Nagy 7:15:06; 3 L Buffini (W40) 7:34:30
Overall (10km): 1 L Schvartz 38:31; 2 K Bukowy (M40) 41:11; 3 T Smith 41:18
Women: 1 E Bibby (W40) 44:56; 2 A Jackson 51:41; 3 E Law 51:43
Overall (HM): 1 B Corleys (Bush J, M45) 75:35; 2 C Holgate (Unatt, M40) 76:50; 3 K Drane (Ely, M40) 87:02
Women: 1 E Freeman (Unatt) 97:52; 2 P Meseguer-Bernal (Unatt, W50) 1:45:02; 3 K Clook (Unatt) 1:45:10
Overall (Mar): 1 T Barasa (Unatt) 3:09:07; 2 D Satchell (Unatt) 3:13:22; 3 M Feetenby (Unatt) 3:31:53
Women: 1 L Dost (Unatt) 4:14:55; 2 M Hodson (Unatt, W50) 4:15:25; 3 K Surkitt (Unatt, W40) 4:20:20
GIN PIT 5, Tyldesley, October 8
Overall: 1 C Rowlinson (Salf) 26:39; 2 B Riddell (Salf, M35) 28:04; 3 A Valentine (Bolt, M45) 28:24
Women: 1 L Riches (Leigh) 33:18; 2 J Maleyjones (Astley & Tyldesley RC, W40) 34:57; 3 R Bailey (Bolt) 36:00
GREAT WALSTEAD 5, Walstead, October 8
Overall (0.9M): 1 P Nixon (Saint&S, U17) 5:50; 2 B Farmer (Hay H, U17) 6:28; 3 N Ridley (Steyn, U17) 6:44
Women: 1 E Williams (Hay H, U17) 6:54; 2 E Hilton (St Pauls, U17) 7:11; 3 M Ridley (Steyn, U17) 7:29
Overall (5M): 1 M Daly (Horsh J) 32:24; 2 M Kwoka (Chichester Runners) 32:59; 3 S Perkins (Horsh J, M50) 33:35
Women: 1 R Gasson (Fitt) 38:00; 2 N Haarer (Chichester Runners) 38:18; 3 K Phillpot (Burg HR) 38:53
CHESTERFIELD NO WALK IN THE PARK 5km, Chesterfield, October 7
Overall: 1 S Gilliver (Hillsborough and Rivelin) 15:41; 2 R Brailsford (N Der) 16:09; 3 S Gascoyne (N Der, M45) 17:17
Women: 1 S McNicol (N Der, W50) 21:07; 2 D Broom (Pstone, W55) 21:17; 3 J Brocksopp (Unatt, W40) 22:55
WESTON MASTERS 5km, Weston-Super-Mare, October 7
Overall: 1 A Baker (N Som, M40) 16:10; 2 J Thie (Ppridd R, M45) 16:21; 3 H Evans (Parc BB, M50) 17:03
M70: 1 J Shapland (Bide) 20:51
M80: 1 L Horlock (Burnham On Sea H) 29:11
Women: 1 J Gardner (Durs, W35) 18:24; 2 E Hines (Swin, W45) 19:11; 3 S Stone (Bide, W45) 19:34
W60: 1 C Benstead (Okehampton) 20:08
Stirling University enjoyed their first ever success in the mens event with a clear victory over Edinburgh University, while the latter took gold and silver in the womens.
Men (4x4km): 1 Stir U 50:34 (R Martin 12:32, M Carberry 13:08, A Marshall 12:24, B MacMillan 12:30: 2 Edin U 51:00 (M Knowles 12:27, L Cairns 12:37, C Gourley 13:02, A Thomson 12:54; 3 Adeen 51:14 (A Brown 13:02, M Abernethy 12:26, F Thomson 13:16, M Ferguson 12:30); 4 Centr 51:56 (J Stevenson 13:17, C Philip 12:41, L Fanottoli 13:33, C Milne 12:25); 5 Edin U B 52:21 (L Messenger-Jones 12:55, A Wright 12:45, R Sparks 13:32, D Bunn 13:09); 6 Centr B 51:56 (A Smith 12:57, T Martyn 12:31, S Livingstone 13:45, C Mckenzie 13:34); 7 Centr B 53:35; 8 Edin 53:46; 9 Adeen B 54:31; 10 Harm 54:38; 11 Edin U C 54:56; 12 Falk VH 55:35; 13 Cors 55:42; 14 Loth 56:00; 15 Stir U B 56:18
Fastest: Marshall, C Campbell (E Loth) 12:24; Milne 12:25; Abernethy 12:26; Knowles 12:27; MacMillan, Ferguson 12:30
M40+: 1 PHRC 58:21 (M Ryan 14:31, R Sellar 15:10, M Combe 14:08, P Kieran 14:32); 2 Cors 58:30 (I Hutchinson 14:05, D Hall 14:42, T Ferrington 14:56, A Brockie 14:47); 3 Metro 60:51 (D Roussias 15:08, R Holland 17:19, R Lascelles 15:08, J Tole 13:16); 4 Cors 60:59; 5 HBT 61:05; 6 Gala 62:04; 7 Falk VH 62:14; 8 Centr 63:15; 9 Harm 64:54; 10 Lass 65:00
Fastest: Tole 13:16, S Brember (Centr) 14:02, I Hutchinson 14:05
Young Males (U13-U15-U17, 32.5km): 1 Falk VH 25:51 (T Mitchell 9:41, R Taylor 8:02, L Culliton 8:08); 2 Harm 26:12 (R Beattie 9:22, F Ross 8:21; M Holden 8:29); 3 E Loth 26:42 (J Cooper 9:33, J Smith 8:52, F Lupton 8:17); 4 Adeen 26:46; 5 Harm B 27:21; 6 Lass 27:30; 7 Adeen B 27:51; 8 Edin 28:00; 9 Gala 28:08; 10 Harm C 28:08
Fastest U17: A Mcwilliam (Lass) 8:05, R Crawford (Adeen) 8:07
U15: Taylor 8:02, Ross 8:21, D McIntyre (Harm) 8:48
U13: H Cook (Adeen) 9:13, C McNab (Edin) 9:15, J Shinnie (Adeen) 9:18
Women (3x4km): 1 Edin U 44:23 (E Shaw 14:25, C Clare 15:02, N Carr 14:56); 2 Edin U B 45:21 (I Hedley 14:51, A Callow 15:46, H Anderson 14:44); 3 Edin 45:26 (K Walker 14:17, M Wyrwoll 15:56, M Sanchez Oller 15:13); 4 Cors 46:34 (J Golder 14:54, K Mckenzie-Tait 15:49, Z Carruthers 15:51); 5 Adeen 46:56 (C Cameron 15:50, E Jenkins 15:36, H Cameron 15:30); 6 Edin U C 47:36 (L Stoddart 15:44, F Davies 15:57, K Purcell 15:40); 7 Edin B 47:35; 8 Centr 47:55; 9 Edin U D 49:08; 10 Lass 49:16; 11 Cors 49:35; 12 Edin U E 50:25; 13 Edin U F 50:55; 14 Falk VH51:02; 15 Centr B 51:09
Fastest: Walker 14:17, Shaw 14:25, L Dickson (Lass) 14:33, Anderson 14:44, Hedley 14:51, Golder 14:54
W40+: 1 Gala 48:03 (K Barden 15:43, P Baillie 17:13, S Green 15:07); 2 HBT 51:14 (M Mowbray 17:09, C Gordon 17:39, J Brown 16:26); 3 Dund R 54:44 (A Mcneilly 18:35, L Menzies 18:17, G Sangster 17:52); 4 Edin 54:54; 5 Harm 56:37; 6 Cgie 57:33
Fastest: Green 15:07, Barden 15:43, H Maccormick (Edin) 16:12
Young Females (U13-U15-U17, 32.5km): 1 E Loth 29:45 (I Turner 9:50, C Wright 9:23, O Robbins 10:32); 2 Falk VH 30:01 (S Robertson 10:13, E Christie 9:42, I Ogg 10:06); 3 Adeen 30:22 (E Taylor 10:11, J Needs 10:16, A Farquhar 9:55); 4 E Loth B 30:42; 5 Edin 30:53; 6 Harm 31:05; 7 Harm B 31:31; 8 Gala 31:41; 9 Adeen B 31:54; 10 Lass 32:07
Fastest U17: N Nyabadza (Harm) 9:33, E Dean (Edin) 9:35
U15: Wright 9:23, Christie 9:42, F Brown (E Loth) 9:45
U13: Turner 9:50, Taylor 10:11, Robertson 10:13
Ross County took their first ever mens title in this event, with international hill runner Ross Gollam bringing them home 72 seconds ahead of Moray Road Runners. Moray, however, won the womens event for the first time in five years, two minutes ahead of Inverness Harriers.
Men (4x4km): 1 E Suth 47:03 (F Murray 11:38, Ruairidh Gollan 12:00, A Coupar 12:23, Ross Gollan 11:02); 2 Moray 49:15 (K Wilson 12:12, J Wilson 12:08, C McRae 12:53, B Livesey 12:02); 3 Iness 51:13 (D Macdonald 12:24, P Paterson 13:45, P Fraser 13:31, S Mackay 11:33); 4 Iness B 56:08 (C Macleod 14:18, G Hassan 14:07, T Burnett 14:25, R Burnett 13:18); 5 Moray B 56:22; 6 Forres 58:20; 7 Nairn R 64:55; 8 JSK RC 65:00
Fastest: Ross Gollan 11:02, Mackay 11:33, Murray 11:38, Ruairidh Gollan 12:00
M40+: 1 HHR 53:34 (R McKenzie 13:17, R Paterson 13:33, G Brown 13:32, F Javier Cebrera Valdes 13:12); 2 Moray 54:43 (G Jenkins 13:18, G Stephen 14:17, S Carmichael 14:32, M Blunden 12:36); 3 HHR 54:46 (G Whiteside 13:56, W Nicolson 13:45, F Mackintosh 14:29, D Rowe-Leete 12:36); 4 Phead 58:32
Fastest: Blunden, Rowe-Leete 12:36, Cabrera Valdes 13:12
Young Males (U13-U15-U17, 32.5km): 1 Ross C 27:01 (C Crawford 9:41, G Comisso 9:20, A Baird 8:00); 2 Ross C B 27:26 (B McNair 9:50, J MacGruer 9:15, N Carson 8:21); 3 Iness 28:34 (N MacBean 10:25, E Thompson 9:32, A Laird 8:37); 4 Ross C C 30:08; 5 Moray 30:30; 6 Storn 30:44
Fastest U17: Baird 8:00, Carson 8:21, Laird 8:37
U15: MacGruer 9:15, Comisso 9:20, E Thompson 9:32
U13: Crawford 9:41, McNair 9:50, F Hume (Ross C) 10:02
Women (3x4km): 1 Moray 42:32 (K Anderson 14:02, K Blunden 14:12, G Cormack 14:18); 2 Iness 44:53 (A Cunningham 15:09, R Gillies 15:21, C Fraser-Lennox 14:23); 3 JSK RC 45:36 (T Wilson 14:21, A Stuart 16:38, E Murray 14:37); 4 Forres 47:16 (S Evans 15:34, H Cameron 15:44, K Klonowska 15:58); 5 Storn 48:50; 6 Moray B 49:30; 7 Nairn R 49:53; 8 HHR 53:49
Fastest: Anderson 14:02, Blunden 14:12, Cormack 14:18, Wilson 14:21
W40+: 1 Iness 47:26 (L Hansen 14:29, A MacDonald 16:31, K Calder 16:26); 2 HHR 47:29 (S Attwood 14:11, L Coull 17:01, I Robertson 16:17); 3 Moray 48:44 (S Mcnairney16:20, K Norvell 16:46, M Slater 15:38)
Fastest: Attwood 14:11, Hansen 14:29, Slater 15:38
Young Females (U13-U15-U17, 32.5km): 1 Iness 28:33 (N Doorley 9:55, A Meek 9:35, C Heggie 9:03); 2 Iness B 29:50 (R Conroy 10:40, H Mackay 10:12, K Meek 8:58); 3 Iness C 32:25 (S Bertram 10:59, A Doorley 10:58, S Simpson 10:28); 4 Ross C 32:50; 5 Storn 33:20; 6 Ross C B 35:06
Fastest U17: 1 K Meek 8:58; 2 Heggie 9:03; 3 A Stewart 9:10
U15: A Meek 9:35, Mackay 10:12
U13: Doorley 9:55, Conroy 10:40, Bertram 10:59
Olympian Callum Hawkins anchored Kilbarchan to a clear victory over Glasgow University in the mens race, but Shettleston had only four seconds to spare over Cambuslang in the womens.
Men (4x4km): 1 Kilb 51:45 (J Patton 13:00, F Gilmour 12:46, L Hannigan 12:49, C Hawkins 13:10); 2 Glas U 53:04 (C Bell 12:58, A McGill 12:49, M Tait 13:36, S Addison 13:41); 3 Shett 53:50 (L Cheskin 13:39, S Taha Ghasfari 13:03, M Turner 13:38, P Neilson 13:30); 4 Cambus 54:27 (C Reilly 14:14, K Harvey 13:22, J Mackinnon 13:29, G Smith 13:22); 5 Giff N 55:05 (R OBrien 13:52, C Young 13:58, N Gajic 14:01, D Robinson 13:14); 6 E Kilb 56:29 (C Charters 14:08, J Fergusson 13:44, D Reid 13:55, E Rose 14:42); 7 Glas U B 57:50; 8 Glas U C 57:50; 9 VPCG 58:04; 10 Giff N B 58:55; 11 Garsc 59:35; 12 Sclyde U 59:50; 13 Law 60:13; 14 Cambus 60:27; 15 E Kilb B 60:44
Fastest: Gilmour 12:46, Hannigan, McGill 12:49, Bell 12:58, Patton 13:00, Taha Ghafari 13:03
M40: 1 Cambus 58:18 (J Speirs 14:56, S Gibson 14:51, I MacCorquodale 14:20, G Robertson 14:11); 2 Garsc 60:43 (D Scroop 15:35, J Coyle 15:28, J MacLeod 14:44, N Gemmel 14:56); 3 Shett 62:24 (R Strachan 15:56, P Sorrie 14:35, D Williams 17:06, J Lennox 14:47); 4 Cnauld 62:54; 5 Cambus B 63:08; 6 Giff N 64:00
Fastest: Robertson 14:11, MaCCorquodale 14:20, Sorrie 14:35
Young Males (U13-U15-U17, 32.5km): 1 Giff N 31:32 (K Dick 11:27, C Dick 9:59, J Wallace 10:06); 2 Giff N B 32:01 (D Macinnes 11:27, L Muir 10:29, A Nugent 10:05); 3 Kilb 32:33 (J Jenkins 12:15, A Street 10:04, O Patton 10:14); 4 Giff N C 32:39; 5 Cambus 32:58; 6 E Kilb 33:09; 7 Garsc 33:18; 8 Law 33:47; 9 Giff N D 33:54; 10 Giff N E 33:54
Fastest U17: J Alexander (Garsc) 10:02
U15: A Wilkinson (E Kilb) 9:48, C Dick 9:59, Street 10:04
U13: K Dick 11:27, Macinnes 11:27, S Deery (Giff N) 11:27
Women (3x4km): 1 Shett 45:55 (H Terrance 16:28, L McKenna 14:53, F Ross 14:34); 2 Cambus 45:59 (H Addison 15:53, E MacKinnon 15:10, S Tucker 14:56); 3 Giff N 47:33 (E Mclennan 16:07, E Dougall 16:32, H Ryding 14:54); 4 Glas U 49:01 (C Stewart 15:50, R Donaldson 17:27, R Giffen 15:44); 5 Giff N B 50:00 (E Creasey 15:50, Y McNairn 17:20; K Brown 16:50); 6 Glas U B 51:45 (L Meinecke 16:28, R Muir 18:16, A Dalglish 17:01); 7 Shett B 52:18; 8 Shett C 53:10; 9 Kilk 53:33; 10 Bella H 53:35; 11 Garsc 54:00; 12 Sclyde U 54:06; 13 Glas U 54:46; 14 Law 55:12; 15 Giff N 55:37
Fastest: Ross 14:34, McKenna 14:53, Ryding 14:54, Tucker 14:56, MacKinnon 15:10, Giffen 15:44
W40+: 1 Giff N 52:50 (C Bark 17:02, A Chong 18:22, J Smylie 17:26); 2 Garsc 54:39 (L Bell 15:56, L Gray 18:37, C Padmanabhan 20:06); 3 Cambus 56:51 (J Etherington 17:18, J Reid 21:20, K OBrien 18:13); 4 Bella R 57:14; 5 Newton R 58:01; 6 Giff N B 60:33
Fastest: Bell 15:56, R Fraser-Moodie (Springb) 16:52, Bark 17:02
Young Females (U13-U15-U17, 32.5km): 1 Giff N 36:20 (E Cameron 12:36, F Scobie 11:56, R Walsh 11:48); 2 Kilb 36:33 (E Nicholson 12:22, E Carden 12:34, Z Redmond 11:37); 3 Giff N B 36:44 (E Tait 12:26, E Caldow 12:38, F Campbell 11:40); 4 Aird 37:13; 5 Giff N C 38:01; 6 Giff N D 38:33; 7 Law 38:42; 8 Giff N E 39:10; 9 Shett 39:16; 10 E Kilb 39:30
Fastest U17: J Inglis (Law) 11:31, Redmond 11:37, Campbell 11:40
U15: M Frew (E Kilb) 11:47, Scobie 11:56, M Boothman (Giff N) 11:58
U13: Nicholson 12:22, Tait 12:26, Cameron 12:36
BRUCE JUDD YOUNG ATHLETES XC RELAYS, including Surrey Championships, Morden Park, October 7
With the national young athletes road relays again taking place on the same day, some participating clubs here had an easy ride nevertheless, Sam Stapley the Surrey 800m champion anchored Reigate Priory to an under-17 team win, Martin Duff reports.
Elsewhere, London Schools champion and English national under-15 sixth placer Isabella Harrison did the same for Hercules Wimbledon in her age group.
U17 men (32.5km): 1 Reigate Priory 20:23 (E Willis 6:41, S Rollaston 7:05, S Stapley 6:37); 2 Sutton & D 20:51 (E Manning 7:13, C Cull 6:50, M Hudson 6:48); 3 S London 21:20 (H Hayman 6:45, T Harmer 7:29, B Whyatt 7:06); 4 Hercules W 21:26; 5 Kingston & Poly 21:43; 6 Epsom & Ewell 22:28
Fastest: Stapley 6:37; Willis 6:41; Hayman 6:45
U15 (32.5km): 1 E&E 22:16 (H OShea 7:29, T Holland 7:28, E Berteussen 7:19); 2 Woking 22;28 (J Dormer 7:16, C Rogers-Everett 7:55, J Bowyer 7:17); 3 Hercules W 22:31 (S Dyson 7:35, H Allen 7:37, S Hobden 7:19); 4 S London 23:01; 5 E&E B 23;55; 6 Sutton & D 24:00
Fastest: S McGeorge (S&D) 6:57; S Sone (S Lon) 7:06; O De Jong (K&P) 7:10
U13 (32.5km): 1 Hercules W 22:59 (J Fraser 7:39, C Sheikh 8:02, T Creed 7:18); 2 Guildford & G 23:24 (G Bone 7:31, H Wilson 8:13, D Baker 7:40); 3 S London 23:26 (W Hughes 7:36, E Englefield 8:15, F Jenkin 7:35); 4 Sutton & D 23:33; 5 HW 25:18; 6 Dorking & MV 25:47
Fastest: Creed 7:18; Bone 7:31; Jenkin 7:35
U17 women (32.5km): 1 S London 25:13 (A Kemp 7:56, M Morrell 8:54, J Booth 8:23); 2 E&E 25:22 (L Brown 8:21, Z Girling 8:17, L Williams 8:44); 3 HW 25:36 (L Delport 8:24, G Eminson 8:36, D Quinn 8:36); 4 Reigate P 25:39; 5 G&G 25:41; 6 HW B 27:31
Fastest: Kemp 7:56; U Unwin (Rei P) 8:10; Girling 8:17
U15 (32.5km): 1 HW 24:05 (A McAndie 8:16, O Garcia-Davis 8:21, I Harrison 7:28); 2 S&D 24:09 9I Kaur 7:56, G Brough 8:24, A Tharmakulasingam 7:49); 3 G&G 24:32 (M Disney 8:09, R Davies 8:36, S Hawthorn 7:47); 4 Woking 24:58; 5 S London 25:28; 6 K&P 26:17
Fastest: Harrison 7:28; L Roake (Wok) 7:47; A Tharmakulasingam 7:49
U13 (32.5km): 1 HW25:49 (A Bramwell 8:16, B Domsodi 9:03, F Harper-Tee 8:30); 2 S London 26:13, G Booth 8:18, L Tomassi 8:58, G Sone 8:57); 3 Reigate P 26;30 (F Tombleson 8:31, L Tombleson 9:01, F Shade 8:58); 4 Herne H 26:58; 5 G&G 27;28; 6 Reigate P B 27:52
Fastest: Bramwell 8:16; Booth 8:18; E Bayley (G&G) 8:29
Overall: 1 J McKenna (Tyne B, M40) 6:49:12; 2 D Shaw (Run Rhaw) 7:09:01; 3 S Daye (Irv) 7:11:58; 4 F Weillaert (HBT) 7:23:26; 5 U Datays (M40) 7:45:53; 6 D Sutherland (NHH) 8:01:07; 7 R Taylor (M45) 8:04:59; 8 D OLooney (Harm, M45) 8:06:21; 9 L Loughran (Salf, M40)) 8:07:41; 10 E Mills (UTS RC, W35) 8:27:21
M50: A Potts 8:45:29
M55: A Kay (Harm) 8:57:36
Women: 1 Mills 8:27:21; 2 J Newens (RRC, W50) 8:45:01; 3 E Coffey (W35) 9:04:09; 4 N Ni Mhaoileoin (Pbello) 9:09:23; 5 K MacPherson 9:32:25; 10 C Wishart (Beacon) 9:56:18
W55: H Marshall (SBF) 12:10:32
W60: P Knops 12:27:12
Men (4x4000m): 1 Brighton & Hove 46:18 (A Riley 11:05, C Tharme 11:24, S Ferroni 12:04, K Barnes 11:45); 2 Phoenix 48:38 (R Fitzgibbon 11:23, J Burton 12:19, H Swindells 12:41, A Carter 12:15); 3 B&H B 49:33 (A Grindrod 11;40, K Monti 13:32, J Dicks 12:22, C Halsey 11:59); 4 Horsham BS 49:49; 5 Hy R 52:11; 6 Horsham J 52:51
Fastest: Riley (U20) 11:05; Fitzgibbon 11:23; Tharme 11:24
M40 (3x4000m): 1 C Halsey 11:44, H Bristow 12:30, P Howard 13:01); 2 Phoenix 39:10; 3 Haywards H 40:15
Fastest: N Boniface (Horsh BS) 12:16
M50 (4x4000m): 1 Haywards H 46:32 (T Miller 14:51, J Boyer 15:15, B Tiller 16:26); 2 Chich R 46:43; 3 B&H 47:17
Fastest: T Kimber (Craw) 14:38
M60 (3x4000m): 1 Horsham J 45:30 (D Angel 14:37, S Wigmore 15:42, P OConnell 15:11); 2 Haywards H 46:22; 3 Crawley 49:12
Fastest: Angel 14:37
U17 (3x4000m): 1 B&H 36:24 (F Goodman 11:41, J Clayton 11:54, A Khursheed 12:49); 2 B&H B 37:02; 3 Worthing 37:22
Fastest: Goodman 11:41;
U15 (3x2800m): 1 B&H 25:26 (G Gilbert 8:18, A Roberts 8:44, B Hutton 8:24); 2 Eastbourne 25:47 (F Lumber-Fry 8:26, T Petherick 8:29, J Messer 8:52); 3 Chich R 25:55 (S Wilkes 8:22, H Dunne 9:08, B Stewart 8:25); 4 Lewes 26:30; 5 Phoenix 27:39; 6 Lewes B 28:03
Fastest: Gilbert 8:18;
U13 (3x2800m): 1 Eastbourne 26:59 (J Webster 8:58, A Franklin 9:13, B Roberts 8:48); 2 B&H 27:02; 3 Crawley 28:17
Fastest: T Thorn-Watts (B&H) 8:46; Roberts 8:48; Webster 8:58
Women (3x4000m): 1 B&H 44:04 (T Wilburn 14:40, L Growns 14:55, K Law 14:29); 2 Chich R 44:49 (A Cox-Rusbridge 15:06, N Haarer 15:02, I Matthews 14:41); 3 Arena 49:22; 4 Hy R 52:47
Fastest: Law 14:29; Wilburn (U20) 14:40; Matthews 14:41
W35 (3x4000m): 1 Arena 48:54 (H Rooney 15:47, K OHara 17:08, J Roberts 15:59); 2 Hy R 50:40; 3 Steyning 51:59
Fastest: Rooney 15:47; I Buckland (Hy R) 15:48
W45 (3x4000m): 1 B&H 45:51 (P Blackledge 15:20, J Kenneally 16:34, L Schofield 13:57); 2 Eastbourne 49:42; 3 Steyning 49:58
Fastest: Schofield 13:57
W55 (3x4000m): 1 Chich R 51:22 (J Harrop 15:44, N Anderson 17:46, J Nelson 17:52); 2 Arena 51:54
Fastest: Harrop 15:44; C Wood (Arena) 16:09
U17 (3x4000m): 1 Crawley 41:47 (N Lesova 14:11, A Cox 14:17, S Shaw 13:09); 2 Lewes 42:50; 3 Worthing 43:44
Fastest: Shaw 13:09; A James (Lewes) 13:46
U15 (3x2800m): 1 Eastbourne 27:35 (F Pearce 8:57, R Petrova 9:33, D Connor 9:05); 2 Crawley 29:07; 3 B&H 29:38
Fastest: Pearce 8:57
U13 (3x2800m): 1 Hy R 29:21 (F Tewkesbury 10:08, I Buchanen 9:12, A Cole 10:01); 2 B&H 30:45; 3 Crawley 31:25
Fastest: Buchanen 9:12; E Ashton (Worth, n/s) 9:22; G Fox (B&H) 9:36
Fell races
CURBAR COMMOTION, Calver, October 7
Overall (8.4M/1640ft): 1 J Scott 64:11; 2 J De La Harpe 69:15; 3 B Hobson 69:26; 4 T Barry (Penn) 69:48; 5 T Perry 70:27; 6 H Kneen (Manx F) 70:39; 7 H Bond (Staffs M) 71:09; 8 E Clowes (Newc Stfs TC) 71:35
M40: A Higgs (Ewash) 73:09
M50: M Nolan (Dark Pk) 73:33
M60: B Foreman (Mat) 79:05
Women: 1 J Mosely (RATR) 84:44; 2 D Watson (Chorlton) 85:03; 3 J Eaton (Belper, W40) 89:24; 4 S Littlefair (Dark Pk, W40) 89:57; 5 S Polglass (Der D) 90:41
W50: E Hurrell 94:04
W60: N Rafferty (Steel) 1:44:48
W70: J Forrester (Belpr) 1:57:53
LANGDALE HORSESHOE, Great Langdale, October 7
Overall (14M/4000ft): 1 T Simpson (Amble) 2:13:47; 2 Atkinson (Kesw) 2:21:19; 3 L Bowness (Helm, H) 2:28:40; 4 J Baxter (P&B) 2:29:13; 5 J Hartley (BCombe) 2:33:29; 6 Billy Cartwright (Mat) 2:34:16; 7 J Walton (K&C) 2:34:27; 8 S Tosh (Cthy) 2:35:35
M40: C Lowther (Eden) 2:38:25
M50: K Richmond (Helm H) 2:45:10
M60: M Roberts (Bdale F) 2:51:11
TEAM: 1 Helm H 83; 2 Amble 83; 3 Eden 126
Women: 1 L Mitchell (DUAXC) 2:51:33; 2 E Pannone (Eden) 2:57:35; 3 B Halcrow (Amble) 2:58:00; 4 S Rylance (Amble) 3:10:18; 5 A Llewellyn (Lons) 3:11:19
W40: S Andrew (Gdale) 3:28:09
W50: N Hawkrigg (N Fells) 3:38:15
TEAM: 1 Amble 25; 2 Eden 51