Today (Monday 22 April) from 09:00 until 18:00 (GMT+2) the 2019 ITTF Annual General Meeting is being held in Budapest, on the occasion of the Liebherr 2019 ITTF World Table Tennis Championships.
However, you do not need to be in the Hungarian capital to know what’s going on! For the very first time, the ITTF is broadcasting its AGM live on its official streaming platform itTV and on Youtube. Register free of charge so that you can tune in and watch the AGM, as well as hundreds of matches taking place at the Liebherr 2019 World Table Tennis Championships, which got under way yesterday and runs until Sunday 28 April.
Live streaming this year’s AGM marks an essential step to provide maximum openness and transparency between the ITTF’s key decision-making bodies and all ITTF members, as well as members of the public, who will be able to enjoy a 360° view inside the Grand Ball Room of the Corinthia Hotel, Budapest.
Significantly, the AGM will see votes cast to decide where the 2021 and 2022 World Championships will take place. Morocco and United States are battling it out to host the former, ensuring that the greatest annual table tennis event will enter a new market. Meanwhile, bidding to stage the 2022 World Championships are China, Japan and Portugal: the first time in recent history that three bids for a single event have reached AGM final voting.
Annual reports will be delivered by ITTF President, Thomas Weikert, ITTF Deputy President, Khalil Al-Mohannadi, joined by other members of the Executive Committee, Continental Federations and Committees, while ITTF CEO, Steve Dainton, and ITTF Secretary General, Raul Calin, will be among those to speak.
Click here to view the AGM agenda in full.