GRAND MARAIS, Minn. -- A forward on the 1980 "Miracle on Ice" U.S. Olympic gold-medal hockey team has been found incompetent to stand trial on charges he beat a neighbor with a metal pole.
A Minnesota judge Monday told 61-year-old Mark Pavelich of Lutsen a psychologist's report indicates Pavelich "needs some assistance'' to understand the proceedings.
Authorities allege Pavelich attacked his friend after the two returned from fishing in August.
The Star Tribune reports the case against Pavelich was suspended as authorities petitioned to have him committed.
Pavelich had two assists in the United States' "Miracle'' 4-3 win over the Soviet Union in a medal-round game of the 1980 Olympic tournament. The U.S. then beat Finland to win the gold medal.
Pavelich later played for the New York Rangers and two other NHL teams.