Chair the Umpires and Referees Committee of Africa Table Tennis Federation, he was a well-known face at major international tournaments throughout the world.
Speaking at the brief event held at the Rades Multi-Purpose Hall, the host nation’s Chérif Hajem described Mohamed Bassyouni, who became an international umpire in 1981, as a colleague who devoted his life to the sport.
“We are here to remember Mohamed Bassyouni who died recently. We all miss him because he was dedicated to the sport. He was a committed colleague whose efforts cannot be ignored. He represented the African Table Tennis Federation Umpires and Referees Committee for many years. We commiserate with the family and we express our condolence to the Egypt Table Tennis Federation for this loss.” Chérif Hajem
Omar Refat, Mohamed Bassyouni’s son received a plaque on behalf of the family. Present for the occasion was Khaled El-Salhy, President of the African Table Tennis Federation alongside Polona Cehovin, ITTF High Performance and Development Director and Lotfi Guefel. President of the Table Tennis Federation of Tunisia
Khaled El-Salhy, Polona Cehovin, Omar Refat, Chérif Hajem, Lotfi Guerfel