Elisabet Sado (right) and Maribel Toyos of the Asturias squash federation
Culprits resign after complaints of sexism
By ALAN THATCHER – Squash Mad Editor
Female squash players in Spain have complained bitterly after a sex toy was among the prizes on offer in a recent tournament.
Competitors in the recent Asturias Championship were furious as female participants discovered that prizes included a vibrator and a waxing kit.
The incident resulted in the tournament winner, Elisabet Sado, complaining about host club Squash Oviedo to the regional Asturias squash federation.
Following an enquiry, it is understood that club officials responsible for sourcing the prizes have resigned.
The incident received international coverage via the BBC and Ms Sado said: “Things have got to change.”
As well as receiving a trophy, she was given a Durex vibrator for winning the competition. The runner-up and semi-finalists received prizes that included hair-removal wax and a foot scraper to remove hard skin.
The prizes were forwarded to the local federation along with a letter of complaint.
Ms Sado told the BBC: “We were very surprised, very shocked. I think probably they just wanted to be funny or different, but we think it’s very sexist. There is too much discrimination against women.”
At the highest level in squash, most major tournaments are offering equal prize money to men and women.
But this kind of stunt is an insult to female players and the game itself. The morons responsible should be kicked out of the sport for good.
According to the BBC, Ms Sadó said she was pleased that the incident had resulted in people across Spain talking about sexism in sport.
She added: “I think the important thing is that there is a public debate and laws in Spain, and more protection so women can practise sport.”
BBC report here
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