WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Motorsports Ass’n has submitted letters to President Donald Trump, House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell requesting their support of small businesses in the Phase 4 stimulus package currently in Congress.
The letter was submitted at the request of many racing-related manufacturers, suppliers, and race tracks, who are experiencing the hardships of the COVID-19 shutdowns.
The USMA remains focused on the restart of racing and helping tracks navigate their local and state government, but with the season already more than half over, the USMA is equally turning its focus to financial relief for impacted businesses.
Racing must be heard at all levels of government. Some of the relief funding from Congress will filter down to the state and local levels, and it remains important to pursue all relief options available to the racing industry.
As has been done throughout this entire pandemic, the USMA is committed to ensuring the racing industry does not fall to the back of the line. Small business makes up the majority of racing. It is also the hardest hit by the pandemic, according to the USMA’s survey data.
The letter submitted by the USMA can be read below.