After recording a 3-0 win in opposition to the pairing of Nigeria’s Taiwo Mati and Algeria’s Sala Foudia, a 3-1 success was recorded against Egypt’s Ammar Attia and Ziad Elshawa to secure first place.
The top two teams in each group advancing to the semi-finals, second position finished in the hands of Ammar Attia and Ziad Elshawa. In the concluding group stage contest they secured a 3-2 win when facing Taiwo Mati and Algeria’s Sala Foudia; the player to cause the problems being Taiwo Mati, he accounted for both Ziad Elshawa (13-11, 11-6, 11-5) and Ammar Attia (12-10, 11-4, 6-11, 11-8).
Meanwhile, in the corresponding group Filip Delincak and Adam Klajber finished ahead of the Czech Republic’s Jan Mokrejs and Dan Janovsky, a 3-1 victory margin being the outcome in favour of the Slovak duo when the teams met. Algeria’s Abdelbasset Chaichi, Azzeddine Lazazi and Meziane Belabbas finished in third position ahead of Morocco’s Sami Fahim and Chaibi Taha.
Success for Slovakia in the junior boys’ team event, it was the same in the cadet boys’ team competition. Jakub Goldir and Kristian Uherik concluded matters in first place in their initial phase group as did the Czech Republic’s Matyas Lebeda in partnership with Morocco’s Kamil Leroy. In the one remaining group it was first place for the Saudi Arabian combination of Khalid Alshareif, Salem Alsuwailem and Mahdi Al Huleal.
Play in the junior boys’ team and cadet boys’ team events concludes on Thursday 13th June.