Each month in SPEED SPORT Magazine we highlight some of our favorite Twitter posts from racing personalities from various disciplines. Here is the SPEED SPORT Twitter Me This from July 2020.
Steve Casebolt (@caseboltc9): What’s the proper procedure when there’s a fly trapped in the room you’re trying to sleep in? Not sure if I should get up and chase his ass around or just lay here and ride this thing out until the morning?
Kevin Thomas Jr. (@kevinthomasjr): For all the people cleaning spray paint off buildings, put the soap and water up. Get ya some brake clean.
Justin Grant (@JustinGrant40): Just used my tile app to find my wallet. My wallet that was in my pocket.
Dario Franchitti (@dariofranchitti): Should I be concerned that our youngest daughter’s third word is car?
Chase Cabre (@CabreChase): I doubt Mother Nature will read this tweet, but can you please stop raining…some of us are trying to race.
Pippa Mann (@PippaMann): Was gone for 3 days. Came home. There is no food in the ridge and the bread is growing mold. My husband just looked at me and shrugged. Yup. Life is starting to return to normal.
Dale Blaney (@DaleBlaney): Good wiper blades are highly underrated.
Nick Hoffman (@Nick_Hoffman2): Just made a stop at the grocery store. I feel a lil rebellious cause I walked down the isle the wrong way and didn’t even have a mask on. Bet everyone was nervous.
Rick Mast (@rickmast22): I saw Richard Childress get in Dale’s car at Indy during testing one time after not being in the car for years. He did good. I ain’t worried about @MattKenseth.
Alex Bowman (@AlexBowman88): Today in the coffee drive through the pups both got “pupachinos”…I now have “pupachino” all over the headliner of my car…yeah the freakin roof.